Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook – First of all we would like to thank all of you for landing this article if you are looking for amazing best positions – amazing best quotes then we have to say that you are in the right place. Here is a great collection of amazing status for Whatsapp for all of us, you are definitely going to love this collection. On the other hand, if you really think that we have made some efforts, do not appreciate our efforts in the comments below.

Amazing Best Status for Whatsapp

Can I go to the toilet = bored of fucking?

God is really creative, I mean … just look at me.

Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook
Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook

Yes, I believe that a mother can have everything. Except for the phone ringing in their bag!

I have enough money to last a lifetime until I buy something.

I feel lazy compared to the man who hoisted the Japanese flag.

The service received a recipe for happiness. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the material?

I want someone to give me a loan and then leave me alone.

Amazing Quotes & Best Message

This morning as I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up.

Sometimes all you need is love. Lol, just kidding, you need money.

The moment when a question is so difficult in an exam that your inner voice lets the crap work on “this crap McDonald’s”.

Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook
Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook

Decorating drinks and drives”. Well…. Yesterday I was drinking a juice box while riding my three-wheeler. Yes. Criticism a rogue.

It is ridiculous how all the trust goes away when you are able to find the remote. “Are you sitting on the remote?” No. “Stand Up”.

Revenge is wrong… so wrong .. but so funny.

When your ex asks if you can still be the right friend after a breakup, it is asking you to get in touch with a kidnapper.

Awesome Best Status for WhatsApp

We would like to welcome all your friends again for our new collection. Are you looking for awesome status – awesome quotes to share with your friends and loved ones then we have to say that you are at the right place. After a lot of research and effort, we finally manage to create the best collection of best status for WhatsApp, you are definitely going to love our collection. Also, note that all the terrible situation below had to be copied and shared, so cheers were not made, there is no question about jumping straight into the archive anymore.

Awesome Best Status for Facebook

Revenge is wrong .. so wrong .. but so funny.

Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook
Amazing Attitude Quotes Messages

When your ex asks if you can still be the right friend after a breakup, it is asking you to get in touch with a kidnapper.

Our language is called the mother tongue because the father never gets a chance to speak.

I stay in the fridge for a long time.

Dear Phone, please stop turning my rude words into good people. You slip away.

Oooooh, a little too harsh. Let me put a ‘lol’ at the end of it.

Those who say that improving money are buying happiness are shopping in the wrong places.

I hate when I’m about to hug someone really sexy and my face hits the mirror.

Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook
Amazing Attitude Quotes Messages

If you love something, leave it open. If it comes back, it should be. If it doesn’t, hunt it down and kill it.

Remember, there are two words in life that will open a lot of doors for you. push and pull.

Attitude Best Status for WhatsApp & Facebook

Thank you for coming, thank you for landing this article first. Are you looking for attitude status – attitude quotes for your friends and loved ones. Also, note all the collections under Rukh Status for Whatsapp and were free to share it with your friends and loved ones. So now without considering any other questions consider jumping straight into the collection of attitude status and brief attitude quotes.

My opinion may have changed, but not from the fact that I am correct.

We have adequate gun control. We need stupid control.

I can be fat, but impossibly ugly – I can lose weight!

Amazing, Awesome, Attitude Best Status, Quotes, Message for Whatsapp & Facebook
Amazing Attitude Quotes Messages

Eat right, exercise, die anyway.

The real reason women stay longer than men is because they have to live with women.

If I agree with you both of us were wrong.

It is better to remain silent and foolish, to speak up and clear all doubt.

People are like ‘the music’, some people say like ‘true’ and others, just make noise.

People who know love are also at risk of pain.

As long as you work, introduce yourself.

Life is too short, given the state of updating life!

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